Efficient data sharing in Kubeflow with Vineyard CSI Driver

If you are using Kubeflow Pipeline or Argo Workflow to manage your machine learning workflow, you may find that the data saving/loading to the volumes is slow. To speed up the data saving/loading within these volumes, we design the Vineyard CSI Driver to map each vineyard object to a volume, and the data saving/loading is handled by vineyard. Next, we will show you how to use the Vineyard CSI Driver to speed up a kubeflow pipeline.


  • A kubernetes cluster >= 1.19. If you don’t have one by hand, you can refer to the guide Initialize Kubernetes Cluster to create one.

  • Install the Vineyardctl by following the official guide.

  • Install the argo workflow cli >= 3.4.8.

  • Install the kfp package <= 1.8.0 for kubeflow v1 or >= 2.0.1 for kubeflow v2.

Deploy the Vineyard Cluster

$ python3 -m vineyard.ctl deploy vineyard-cluster --create-namespace

This command will create a vineyard cluster in the namespace vineyard-system. You can check as follows:

$ kubectl get pod -n vineyard-system
NAME                                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
vineyard-controller-manager-648fc9b7bf-zwnhd     2/2     Running   0          4d3h
vineyardd-sample-79c8ffb879-6k8mk                1/1     Running   0          4d3h
vineyardd-sample-79c8ffb879-f9kkr                1/1     Running   0          4d3h
vineyardd-sample-79c8ffb879-lzgwz                1/1     Running   0          4d3h
vineyardd-sample-etcd-0                          1/1     Running   0          4d3h

Deploy the Vineyard CSI Driver

Before deploying the Vineyard CSI Driver, you are supposed to check the vineyard deployment is ready as follows:

$ kubectl get deployment -n vineyard-system
NAME                             READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
vineyard-controller-manager      1/1     1            1           4d3h
vineyardd-sample                 3/3     3            3           4d3h

Then deploy the vineyard csi driver which specifies the vineyard cluster to use:


If you want to look into the debug logs of the vineyard csi driver, you can add a flag --verbose in the following command.

$ python3 -m vineyard.ctl deploy csidriver --clusters vineyard-system/vineyardd-sample

Then check the status of the Vineyard CSI Driver:

$ kubectl get pod -n vineyard-system
NAME                                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
vineyard-controller-manager-648fc9b7bf-zwnhd     2/2     Running   0          4d3h
vineyard-csi-sample-csi-driver-fb7cb5b5d-nlrxs   4/4     Running   0          4m23s
vineyard-csi-sample-csi-nodes-69j77              3/3     Running   0          4m23s
vineyard-csi-sample-csi-nodes-k85hb              3/3     Running   0          4m23s
vineyard-csi-sample-csi-nodes-zhfz4              3/3     Running   0          4m23s
vineyardd-sample-79c8ffb879-6k8mk                1/1     Running   0          4d3h
vineyardd-sample-79c8ffb879-f9kkr                1/1     Running   0          4d3h
vineyardd-sample-79c8ffb879-lzgwz                1/1     Running   0          4d3h
vineyardd-sample-etcd-0                          1/1     Running   0          4d3h

Running the Kubeflow Pipeline example

We provide two examples using different versions of Kubeflow Pipeline: v1 and v2. To use the Vineyard CSI Driver, we need to do two modifications:

  1. Change APIs like pd.read_pickle/write_pickle to vineyard.csi.write/read in the source code.

2. Add the vineyard object VolumeOp to the pipeline’s dependencies. The path in the API changed in the first step will be mapped to a volume. Notice, the volume used in any task needs to be explicitly mounted to the corresponding path in the source code, and the storageclass_name format of each VolumeOp is {vineyard-deployment-namespace}.{vineyard-deployment-name}.csi.

There are two ways to add the vineyard object VolumeOp to the pipeline’s dependencies:

  • Each path in the source code is mapped to a volume, and each volume is mounted to the actual path in the source code. The benefit is that the source path does not need to be modified.

  • Create a volume for the paths with the same prefix in the source code. You can add the prefix /vineyard for the paths in the source code, and mount a volume to the path /vineyard. In this way, you can only create one volume for multiple paths/vineyard objects.

You may get some insights from the modified pipeline pipeline-with-vineyard.py and pipeline-kfp-v2-with-vineyard.


Before running the kubflow examples, we need to do some common preparations, and then you can choose to run KFP V1 or KFP V2 example.

  1. First of all, we need to build the docker images for the pipeline:

$ cd k8s/examples/vineyard-csidriver
$ make docker-build

Or build the docker images with your docker registry:

$ make docker-build REGISTRY=<your-docker-registry>
  1. Check the images built successfully:

$ docker images
train-data               latest    5628953ffe08   14 seconds ago   1.47GB
test-data                latest    94c8c75b960a   14 seconds ago   1.47GB
prepare-data             latest    5aab1b120261   15 seconds ago   1.47GB
preprocess-data          latest    5246d09e6f5e   15 seconds ago   1.47GB
  1. Push the image to a docker registry that your kubernetes cluster can access.

$ make push-images REGISTRY=<your-docker-registry>
  1. Create the namespace for the pipeline:

$ kubectl create namespace kubeflow

5. To simulate the data loading/saving of the actual pipeline, we use the nfs volume to store the data. The nfs volume is mounted to the /mnt/data directory of the kind cluster. Then apply the data volume as follows:


If you already have nfs volume that can be accessed by the kubernetes cluster, you can update the prepare-data.yaml to use your nfs volume.

$ kubectl apply -f prepare-data.yaml
  1. Deploy the rbac for the pipeline:

$ kubectl apply -f rbac.yaml
  1. (important) Download all need images to all kind workers:

worker=($(docker ps | grep kind-worker | awk -F ' ' '{print $1}'))
for c in ${worker[@]}; do
    docker exec -it $c sh -c "
        crictl pull ${registry}/preprocess-data && \
        crictl pull ${registry}/train-data && \
        crictl pull ${registry}/test-data &&\
        # change the following image to compatible with the installed kubeflow version
        crictl pull ${kubeflow_registry}/argoexec:v3.3.10-license-compliance && \
        crictl pull ${kubeflow_registry}/kfp-driver@sha256:0ce9bf20ac9cbb21e84ff0762d5ae508d21e9c85fde2b14b51363bd1b8cd7528
        # change the following image to compatible with the installed argo workflow version
        crictl pull quay.io/argoproj/argoexec:v3.4.8

Running KFP V1 Example


If you want to run the KFP V2 example, you can skip this section.

The original KFP V1 code is shown in pipeline.py under the directory k8s/examples/vineyard-csidriver and the pipeline-with-vineyard.py is modified to be compatible with the Vineyard CSI Driver. As we use the argo workflow to run the KFP v1 pipeline, we need to install the argo workflow server as follows.

  1. Install the argo server on Kubernetes:

$ kubectl create namespace argo
$ kubectl apply -n argo -f https://github.com/argoproj/argo-workflows/releases/download/v3.4.8/install.yaml
  1. Check the status of the argo server:

$ kubectl get pod -n argo
NAME                                  READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
argo-server-7698c96655-ft6sj          1/1     Running   0          4d1h
workflow-controller-b888f4458-sfrjd   1/1     Running   0          4d1h
  1. Submit the kubeflow example without vineyard to the argo server:

$ for data_multiplier in 4000 5000 6000; do \
    # clean the previous argo workflow
    argo delete --all -n kubeflow; \
    # submit the pipeline without vineyard
    argo submit --watch pipeline.yaml -n kubeflow  \
    -p data_multiplier=${data_multiplier} -p registry="ghcr.io/v6d-io/v6d/kubeflow-example"; \
    # sleep 60s to record the actual execution time
    sleep 60; \
  1. Clear the previous resources:

$ argo delete --all -n kubeflow
  1. Submit the kubeflow example with vineyard to the argo server:

$ for data_multiplier in 3000 4000 5000; do \
    # clean the previous argo workflow
    argo delete --all -n kubeflow; \
    # submit the pipeline without vineyard
    argo submit --watch pipeline-with-vineyard.yaml -n kubeflow  \
    -p data_multiplier=${data_multiplier} -p registry="ghcr.io/v6d-io/v6d/kubeflow-example"; \
    # sleep 60s to record the actual execution time
    sleep 60; \

Running KFP V2 Example


If you have installed the argo workflow server, you need to delete it first. As the KFP resources contain the argo workflow server, and the argo workflow server will conflict with the KFP resources.

The original KFP V2 code is shown in pipeline-kfp-v2.py under the directory k8s/examples/vineyard-csidriver and the pipeline-kfp-v2-with-vineyard.py is modified to be compatible with the Vineyard CSI Driver. As it can only be compiled to the IR YAML, which only recognized by the kubeflow server. Thus, we need to install the kubeflow server as follows.

  1. Install a KFP standalone instance on Kubernetes:


kubectl apply -k "github.com/kubeflow/pipelines/manifests/kustomize/cluster-scoped-resources?ref=$PIPELINE_VERSION"
kubectl wait --for condition=established --timeout=60s crd/applications.app.k8s.io
kubectl apply -k "github.com/kubeflow/pipelines/manifests/kustomize/env/dev?ref=$PIPELINE_VERSION"
  1. Check the status of the KFP instance:

$ kubectl get pod -n kubeflow

Expected output

NAME                                                          READY   STATUS             RESTARTS         AGE
cache-deployer-deployment-5c95fc7fdd-d65cf                    1/1     Running            0                49m
cache-server-6c84679764-k8q6j                                 1/1     Running            0                49m
controller-manager-86bf69dc54-2brxq                           1/1     Running            0                49m
metadata-envoy-deployment-6448d544f5-z4sc8                    1/1     Running            0                49m
metadata-grpc-deployment-784b8b5fb4-8mtm7                     1/1     Running            2 (49m ago)      49m
metadata-writer-79c5499dd8-6jjmm                              1/1     Running            0                49m
minio-65dff76b66-tdtx5                                        1/1     Running            0                49m
ml-pipeline-6546dcc959-k8t84                                  1/1     Running            0                48m
ml-pipeline-persistenceagent-79479cdb74-q6lq9                 1/1     Running            0                49m
ml-pipeline-scheduledworkflow-5cbdc7d885-lx9r7                1/1     Running            0                49m
ml-pipeline-ui-7c94d6f4b7-z2tvs                               1/1     Running            0                49m
ml-pipeline-viewer-crd-685f449686-bz55g                       1/1     Running            0                49m
ml-pipeline-visualizationserver-7c8f97864d-sp8p6              1/1     Running            0                49m
mysql-c999c6c8-nwp9d                                          1/1     Running            0                49m
proxy-agent-77d7b57c99-plrpb                                  0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   14 (2m17s ago)   49m
workflow-controller-6c85bc4f95-dw889                          1/1     Running            0                49m
  1. Delete the proxy deployment as it’s not used in the example and will slow down the pipeline:

$ kubectl delete deployment proxy-agent -n kubeflow
  1. Open a terminal to portforward the KFP UI to your local machine:

$ kubectl port-forward -n kubeflow svc/ml-pipeline-ui 8088:80
  1. Upload the pipeline-kfp-v2.yaml and pipeline-kfp-v2-with-vineyard.yaml to the KFP instance:


If you use the custom docker registry, you need to update the docker image in the pipeline-kfp-v2.yaml and pipeline-kfp-v2-with-vineyard.yaml.

Upload pipeline in the kubeflow Dashboard

Upload pipeline in the kubeflow Dashboard

  1. (Important) Clean the file system cache of the kubeflow server.

As the KFP V2 doesn’t support to configure the SecurityContext of the container, which means we can’t run the command sync; echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches in the container to clean the file system cache. Thus before creating a new run, we need to clean the file system cache manually as follows:

# clean all the file system cache and image cache of all kind workers
$ worker=($(docker ps | grep kind-worker | awk -F ' ' '{print $1}')); \
    for c in ${worker[@]}; do docker exec --privileged -it $c \
    sh -c 'sync && echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches'; done;

If you use the actual kubernetes cluster, you can login to the kubernetes node and clean the file system cache manually.

  1. Create the runs using the previously uploaded pipelines:

Create runs in the kubeflow Dashboard

Create runs in the kubeflow Dashboard

KFP V1 Result Analysis

The data scale are 14000 Mi, 18000 Mi and 21000 Mi, which correspond to the 4000, 5000 and 6000 in the previous data_multiplier respectively, and the time of argo workflow execution of the pipeline is as follows:

Argo workflow duration

data scale

without vineyard

with vineyard

14000 Mi



18000 Mi



21000 Mi



Actually, the cost time of argo workflow is affected by lots of factors, such as the network, the cpu and memory of the cluster, the data volume, etc. So the time of argo workflow execution of the pipeline is not stable. But we can still find that the time of argo workflow execution of the pipeline with vineyard reduced by 15%~25%.

Also, we record the whole execution time via logs. The result is as follows:

Actual execution time

data scale

without vineyard

with vineyard

14000 Mi



18000 Mi



21000 Mi



According to the above results, we can find that the time of actual execution of the pipeline with vineyard reduced by 30%~40%. To be specific, we record the write/read time of the following steps:

Writing time

data scale

without vineyard

with vineyard

14000 Mi



18000 Mi



21000 Mi



From the above results, we can find that the writing time the pipeline with vineyard reduced by 70%~75%. The reason is that the data is stored in the vineyard cluster, so it’s actually a memory copy operation, which is faster than the write operation of the nfs volume.

Reading time

We delete the time of init data loading, and the results are as follows:

data scale

without vineyard

with vineyard

14000 Mi



18000 Mi



21000 Mi



Based on the above results, we can find that the read time of vineyard is nearly a constant, which is not affected by the data scale. The reason is that the data is stored in the shared memory of vineyard cluster, so it’s actually a pointer copy operation.

As a result, we can find that with vineyard, the argo workflow duration of the pipeline is reduced by 15%~25% and the actual execution time of the pipeline is reduced by about 30%~40%.

KFP V2 Result Analysis

Different with the previous KFP V1, the KFP V2 will compile the pipeline to the IR YAML, and the IR YAML will be submitted to the kubeflow server. Before each component of the pipeline is executed, the kubeflow server will create a preprocess container to parse the IR YAML and generate the relevant kubernetes resources. That means the kubeflow server will create more pods than the previous argo workflow, thereby slowing down the execution speed of the entire pipeline.

The execution time of the pipeline shown in the kubeflow dashboard is as follows:

Kubeflow dashboard duration

data scale

without vineyard

with vineyard

14000 Mi



18000 Mi



21000 Mi



Based on the above result, we can find that the execution time of kubeflow pipeline with vineyard is reduced by 15%~20% on the dashboard. Compared to the kfp v1, the vineyard effect is slightly reduced. The reason is that in the kfp v2, CreateVolume and DeleteVolume are regarded as two components, and that means more worker pods will be created. The time to create these pods is the main factor that reduces vineyard efficiency.

Actual execution time

data scale

without vineyard

with vineyard

14000 Mi



18000 Mi



21000 Mi



From the above results, we can find that the actual execution time of the pipeline with vineyard is reduced by 30%~40%. To be specific, we record the write/read time of the following steps:

Writing time

data scale

without vineyard

with vineyard

14000 Mi



18000 Mi



21000 Mi



Similarly, since writing to vineyard is just a memory copy operation, its execution time will be greatly reduced.

Reading time

We delete the time of init data loading, and the results are as follows:

data scale

without vineyard

with vineyard

8500 Mi



12000 Mi



15000 Mi



As the result in kfp v1, reading the vineyard data only requires a single operation to get the memory pointer. So the reading time of vineyard is almost 0.

In summary, regardless of whether you are using KFP V1 or KFP V2, and whether the backend is Argo server or Kubeflow manifests, integrating Vineyard can effectively optimize the data sharing among Kubeflow components. This optimization, in turn, leads to a significant reduction in the overall execution time of the Kubeflow pipeline.

Clean up

Delete the rbac for the kubeflow example:

$ kubectl delete -f rbac.yaml

Delete all argo workflow

$ argo delete --all

Delete the argo server:

$ kubectl delete ns argo

Delete the vineyard cluster:

$ python3 -m vineyard.ctl delete vineyard-cluster

Delete the data volume:

$ kubectl delete -f prepare-data.yaml

Delete the kubeflow namespace:

$ kubectl delete ns kubeflow