#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2020-2023 Alibaba Group Holding Limited.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import contextlib
import copy
import inspect
import threading
import warnings
from typing import Any
from typing import Callable
from typing import Dict
from typing import Generator
from typing import Optional
from vineyard._C import IPCClient
from vineyard._C import Object
from vineyard._C import ObjectID
from vineyard._C import ObjectMeta
from vineyard._C import RPCClient
[docs]class BuilderContext:
def __init__(self, parent_context: Optional["BuilderContext"] = None):
self._factory = dict()
if parent_context is not None:
self._parent_context = parent_context
self._parent_context = self
def __str__(self) -> str:
return str(self._factory)
def parent_context(self) -> "BuilderContext":
return self._parent_context
[docs] def register(self, type_id: type, builder: Callable):
"""Register a Python type to the builder context.
type_id: Python type
Like `int`, or `numpy.ndarray`
builder: callable, e.g., a method, callable object
A builder translates a python object to vineyard, it accepts a Python
value as parameter, and returns an vineyard object as result.
self._factory[type_id] = builder
[docs] def run(self, client, value, **kw):
"""Follows the MRO to find the proper builder for given python value.
Here "Follows the MRO" implies:
- If the type of python value has been found in the context, the registered
builder will be used.
- If not, it follows the MRO chain from down to top to find a registered
Python type and used the associated builder.
- When the traversal reaches the :code:`object` type, since there's a default
builder that serialization the python value, the parameter will be serialized
and be put into a blob.
# if the python value comes from a vineyard object, we choose to just reuse it.
# N.B.: don't do that.
# we still construct meta, and optimize the duplicate copy in blob builder
# base = getattr(value, '__vineyard_ref', None)
# if base:
# return base.meta
for ty in type(value).__mro__:
if ty in self._factory:
builder_func_sig = inspect.getfullargspec(self._factory[ty])
if (
'builder' in builder_func_sig.args
or builder_func_sig.varkw is not None
kw['builder'] = self
return self._factory[ty](client, value, **kw)
raise RuntimeError('Unknown type to build as vineyard object')
def __call__(self, client, value, **kw):
return self.run(client, value, **kw)
def extend(self, builders=None):
builder = BuilderContext(self)
builder._factory = copy.copy( # pylint: disable=unused-private-member
if builders:
return builder
default_builder_context = BuilderContext()
_builder_context_local = threading.local()
_builder_context_local.default_builder = default_builder_context
[docs]def get_current_builders() -> BuilderContext:
'''Obtain the current builder context.'''
default_builder = getattr(_builder_context_local, 'default_builder', None)
if not default_builder:
default_builder = default_builder_context.extend()
return default_builder
def builder_context(
builders: Optional[Dict[type, Callable]] = None,
base: Optional[BuilderContext] = None,
) -> Generator[BuilderContext, Any, Any]:
"""Open a new context for register builders, without populating outside global
See Also:
current_builder = get_current_builders()
builders = builders or dict()
base = base or current_builder
local_builder = base.extend(builders)
_builder_context_local.default_builder = local_builder
yield local_builder
_builder_context_local.default_builder = current_builder
def put(
value: Any,
builder: Optional[BuilderContext] = None,
persist: bool = False,
name: Optional[str] = None,
"""Put python value to vineyard.
.. code:: python
>>> arr = np.arange(8)
>>> arr_id = client.put(arr)
>>> arr_id
client: IPCClient or RPCClient
The vineyard client to use.
The python value that will be put to vineyard. Supported python value
types are decided by modules that registered to vineyard. By default,
python value can be put to vineyard after serialized as a bytes buffer
using pickle.
builder: optional
When putting python value to vineyard, an optional *builder* can be
specified to tell vineyard how to construct the corresponding vineyard
:class:`Object`. If not specified, the default builder context will be
used to select a proper builder.
persist: bool, optional
If true, persist the object after creation.
name: str, optional
If given, the name will be automatically associated with the resulted
object. Note that only take effect when the object is persisted.
User-specific argument that will be passed to the builder.
ObjectID: The result object id will be returned.
if builder is not None:
return builder(client, value, **kwargs)
meta = get_current_builders().run(client, value, **kwargs)
# the builders is expected to return an :class:`ObjectMeta`, or an
# :class:`Object` (in the `bytes_builder` and `memoryview` builder).
if isinstance(meta, (ObjectMeta, Object)):
r = meta.id
r = meta # None or ObjectID
if isinstance(r, ObjectID):
if persist:
if name is not None:
if persist:
client.put_name(r, name)
"The object is not persisted, the name won't be associated.",
return r
setattr(IPCClient, 'put', put)
setattr(RPCClient, 'put', put)
__all__ = [